Hoping this post finds all our members safe and well in this unprecedented time we find ourselves in.
With the slow lifting of lock-down we are able to make a start on getting back to some normality even if it is only training. Taking onboard the present guidelines we are able to open up the WPSC grounds to all sections, the clubhouse and facilities will remain closed for the moment.
This will allow small pods of players to train together, still staying 2m apart and applying social distancing protocols such as not sharing water bottles, playing kit or sticks. 2 car park space should also be applied in our car park facility along with locking the main yellow gate upon EVERY entry and exit. We request lacrosse be played on the main pitch adjacent to the car park allowing football and cricket to utilizes there given pitch space.
Astro Hire Ltd have re-opened the astro on a Social Distancing booking hire usage to WHL and extended this to WLC, bookings are for 1hr only and a email will be sent to all WLC players providing T&Cs along with how to book. May we (WLC) pass on our thanks to Astro Hire Ltd for this service.
If you have any further questions about training or future lacrosse then please contact any member of the committee and we will do our best to provide information.
Thank you all and stay safe.